Source code for pyspades.entities

from pyspades.constants import NEUTRAL_TEAM, TC_CAPTURE_RATE, SPAWN_RADIUS
from pyspades.common import Vertex3
from pyspades import contained as loaders

from twisted.internet import reactor

move_object = loaders.MoveObject()
progress_bar = loaders.ProgressBar()
territory_capture = loaders.TerritoryCapture()

[docs]class Entity(Vertex3): team = None def __init__(self, entity_id, protocol, *arg, **kw): Vertex3.__init__(self, *arg, **kw) = entity_id self.protocol = protocol
[docs] def update(self): move_object.object_type = if is None: state = NEUTRAL_TEAM else: state = move_object.state = state move_object.x = self.x move_object.y = self.y move_object.z = self.z self.protocol.broadcast_contained(move_object, save=True)
[docs]class Flag(Entity): player = None
[docs] def update(self): if self.player is not None: return Entity.update(self)
[docs]class Territory(Flag): progress = 0.0 players = None start = None rate = 0 rate_value = 0.0 finish_call = None capturing_team = None def __init__(self, *arg, **kw): Flag.__init__(self, *arg, **kw) self.players = set()
[docs] def add_player(self, player): self.get_progress(True) self.players.add(player) self.update_rate()
[docs] def remove_player(self, player): self.get_progress(True) self.players.discard(player) self.update_rate()
[docs] def update_rate(self): rate = 0 for player in self.players: if rate += 1 else: rate -= 1 progress = self.progress if ((progress == 1.0 and (rate > 0 or rate == 0)) or (progress == 0.0 and (rate < 0 or rate == 0))): return self.rate = rate self.rate_value = rate * TC_CAPTURE_RATE if self.finish_call is not None: self.finish_call.cancel() self.finish_call = None if rate != 0: self.start = reactor.seconds() rate_value = self.rate_value if rate_value < 0: self.capturing_team = self.protocol.blue_team end_time = progress / -rate_value else: self.capturing_team = self.protocol.green_team end_time = (1.0 - progress) / rate_value if self.capturing_team is not self.finish_call = reactor.callLater(end_time, self.finish) self.send_progress()
[docs] def send_progress(self): progress_bar.object_index = if is None: capturing_team = self.capturing_team team = capturing_team.other else: capturing_team = team = progress_bar.capturing_team = rate = self.rate progress = self.get_progress() if rate = -rate progress = 1 - progress progress_bar.progress = progress progress_bar.rate = rate self.protocol.broadcast_contained(progress_bar)
[docs] def finish(self): self.finish_call = None protocol = self.protocol if self.rate > 0: team = protocol.green_team else: team = protocol.blue_team team.score += 1 if is not None: -= 1 = team protocol.on_cp_capture(self) if team.score >= protocol.max_score: protocol.reset_game(territory=self) protocol.on_game_end() else: territory_capture.object_index = territory_capture.state = territory_capture.winning = False protocol.broadcast_contained(territory_capture)
[docs] def get_progress(self, set=False): """ Return progress (between 0 and 1 - 0 is full blue control, 1 is full green control) and optionally set the current progress. """ # TODO: wtf is this thing, and why are we setting values in # a getter. Should this be refactored into two functions # called `update_progress` and `get_progress` instead? rate = self.rate_value if rate == 0.0 or self.start is None: return self.progress dt = reactor.seconds() - self.start progress = max(0, min(1, self.progress + rate * dt)) if set: self.progress = progress return progress
[docs] def get_spawn_location(self): x1 = max(0, self.x - SPAWN_RADIUS) y1 = max(0, self.y - SPAWN_RADIUS) x2 = min(512, self.x + SPAWN_RADIUS) y2 = min(512, self.y + SPAWN_RADIUS) return self.protocol.get_random_location(True, (x1, y1, x2, y2))
[docs]class Base(Entity): pass